UNCRC, Child Friendly School, and Quality Education: Three Concepts One Goal
Every country, including Indonesia has identified the improvement of quality education as one of its topmost national priorities. Quality education is education that works for every child and enables all children to achieve their full potential. Having quality education is guarrantted by The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Since it is believed that children are citizens in their own right, entitled to the full spectrum of human rights, including the right for quality education. UNCRC has become the principle of which Child friendly School is developed. It is a school which ensure all children have an environment that is physically safe, emotionally secure, and psychologically enabling. It is a means to advocate for and promote quality education for all children all over the world. As a system, quality education should continually assess and improve all dimensions of system quality: quality of learners, of learning environments, of content, of process, and of outcomes. The current paper pinpoints the interrelatedness of concepts of CRC, child friedly school, and quality education as three concept having one goal, that is, to promote the right of children for education.