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dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Yulia Maftuhah
dc.contributor.authorKurniawan, Fitri
dc.contributor.authorPanuntun, Yunus Bagus
dc.identifier.citationHarsanto, Radno. 2007. Pengelolaan Kelas Yang Dinamis: Paradigma Baru Pembelajaran Menuju Kompetensi Siswa. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Nashir, Haedar. 2013. Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Agama & Budaya. Yogyakarta: Multi Presindo. Nurhalisah. 2010. “Peranan Guru dalam Pengelolaan Kelas” in Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan, vol 13, no. 2, p. 195. Ratnasari, Yuni. 2014. “Implementasi Pendidikan Ramah Anak Melalui Model Pembelajaran Snowball Drilling Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah Gribig Kudus”. ( /3/artikel.pdf), download, 10 Mach 2016. Rohani, Ahmad. 2010. Pengelolaan Pengajaran: Sebuah Pengantar Menuju Guru Profesional. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta. Suhardan, Dadang, et all. 2010. Manajemen Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.in_ID
dc.description.abstractEducation is one of the primary needs for humans’ life. In learning-teaching process, an educator plays a vital role in developing students’ potency. However, this can be developed if it reflects a child friendly education. The problem in Primary School is usually related to the unbalance between intellectual and spiritual aspects. Therefore, students’ growth and development is unbalanced and incomplete. The problem of child friendly education can be overcome with a dynamic class management. The term child friendly education means to make a conscious and managed effort of developing national characters based on the characteristics and rights. Ratnasari (2014: 42) suggests that an indicator of child friendly education is to emphasize a sense of cheer, safety, health, interest, effectiveness, happiness, aspiration, communication, aspiration, comfort and care and to respect children’s rights. A child friendly education through a dynamic class management includes a variety of classes and work group by analyzing social values, making the whiteboard in the class more effective, making the seat position more comfortable, developing instructional materials mapping, using school library, developing a potency of question asking, and solving a class discipline. In the dynamic class management, an education will be easier to implement a child friendly education in a learning process. For example, developing of question asking will make students will be more communicative and active. In addition, learning together in the group work can grow a sense of care. A sense of cheer and safety will be operated by making the seat position more effective.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectchild friendly educationin_ID
dc.subjectdynamic class managementin_ID

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