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dc.description.abstract | Planning friendly student's career is very important today. Prepare students planning careers
friendly optimize its potential in accordance with the interests and talents without any
element of coercion. The focus of research, planning careers friendly 4 Prodi SMK students
in Banjarmasin Martyrs approach strategy. Methods used qualitative descriptive study subject
the students. The object of research students planning careers friendly. Pact collection
techniques: interviews, observations, questionnaires. Mechanical analysis: Pact Collection,
Pact Reduction, and Withdrawal Pact Serving Conclusion. Results and Discussion. Results
and Discussion. Are qualitative: GC career fields ranging semester of 2015/2016, policy
principal, vice principal of curriculum 1 hour class. Granted responsive services, career
issues, further studies, family. Issues of further studies teacher training friendly planning a
little high because of factors economic. Problems friendly planning further studies to college
a little due to economic factors. Check the cost of student responses on the self for further
studies to university campuses, asking self-employment in the labor training, alternative
further study scholarship. Friendly planning careers students through individual counseling
services 30 students come chamber GC and group counseling with technical discussions.
Previous students confused plotting his career in the future, thinking to work, much less think
of further studies, floating. After a career with a friendly planning strategy approach students
without coercion, on a voluntary basis, the initiative asks student comes spatial GC career
information. Visible difference before and after. Being the qualitative planning careers
friendly approach strategy before the average value = 163 category S (sufficient) after being
given information services with guidance classical average value rose to 191 in the category
H (High). There was a difference before and after the progress quantitatively and an average
of 28, or an average of about 12%. Conclusion: 1. Planning friendly earlier career is still low,
high teacher training little further studies because of economic factors, confused plotting
future career and quantitative by 163 category S (Sufficient), 2. After a given career guidance
service friendly planning responsive students positive, self-consciousness without coercion,
and quantitatively there is an increase of 191 category H (High) 3. there is a difference
before and after the provision of career guidance services about planning careers friendly and
quantitatively score progress before and after by 28 or 12%. | in_ID |