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dc.description.abstract | Every educator in the educational unit has the obligation to prepare the lesson plan
completely and systematically in order to make the learning process running interactively,
inspiringly, pleasingly, challengingly, efficiently, and motivatingly to the students to
participate actively and also provide enough space for new innovation, creativity, and
independence as their talents, interests, and students ‘physical and psychological
development. This study aims to determine the ability and knowledge of teachers in
arranging the lesson plan in curriculum 2013 and also how the constraints and the efforts of
teachers in making the lesson plan itself. This research is a qualitative descriptive research.
The research is conducted in MI Nurul Islam Tajinan which use 6 teachers of 1st grade up
to6th grade as the subject. Then, the techniques that the data collection are using are
observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it shows that
the teachers actually already know about Thematic learning in the curriculum 2013, but
they found the difficulties in applying it. In making the lesson plan, the teachers found the
difficulty to differentiate between the lesson plan of curriculum 2013 and KTSP. The
problems experienced by the teachers and schools in making the lesson plan is that, the
teachers do not receive training on the curriculum of 2013, the teachers also do not
mastering about what, why, and how to the thematic learning at the primary level, the
teachers have to try to make the lesson plan practically, the teachers only teach one lesson.
The competencies which are needed in order to manage thematic learning in school are (1)the ability and comprehension about thematic learning in curriculum 2013, innovative and
creative learning method, the competencies of media and learning sources, organizing the
lesson plan of thematic learning in curriculum 2013 systematically, assessment that covers
attitudes, knowledge and also students’ skills. | in_ID |