Most people agree that teachers must be both theoretically knowledgeable and inventive.
They must be able to use a range of strategies, and they must also be able to invent new
strategies. They must have some basic research-based routines for managing classes, but
they must also be willing and able to break from the routine when the situation calls for
change. They need to know about their own students, understanding the students in general
about their particular ages, culture, social class and gender would make the child friendly
situation in the classroom. There are some aspects should be identified in the areas of
friendly teaching atmosphere and the learning quality; (1) the materials and programs
appropriate for students’ grade level; (2) some teaching strategies that applied such as the
effective teaching and evaluation, besides special ways and concepts are necessary to be
considered for lower ability students.; (3) the characteristics and cultural backgrounds of
learners. One of the key factor to be succeed in creating the friendly child learning
environment is as a teacher we need to know ourselves, our strengths and our blind spot as
well as our own cultural identity. By having clear sense of ourselves we can understand
and respect the cultural identity of our students.