Now showing items 101-120 of 184

    • Perubahan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Konsumsi Tablet Fe 

      Wigati, Atun; Azizah, Noor (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Iron deficiency anemia is more likely to take place in developing countries yangsedang of the developed countries. 36% (or about 1400 million) of the estimated population of 3800 million people in developing countries. ...
    • Dampak Pembangunan Kampus Terpadu Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang terhadap Masyarakat Sekitar 

      Iriyanto, Setia; Noviani, Ayu Hanum (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions and expectations of society towards the development impact of the Integrated Campus Kedungmundu UNIMUS in the region, from the aspect of education, health, and ...
    • Indeks Kerentanan Wilayah Pesisir terhadap Bencana Banjir 

      Isa, Muzakar (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      The northern coast of Central Java Province is considered as the critical area of flood path. It always suffering from flood due to rain and or high-tide sea water. It is realised that infrastructures’ capacity for flood ...
    • Peningkatan Berat Badan Pada Kontrasepsi Depo Medroksiprogesteron Asetat Dan Suntikan Kombinasi Di Kabupaten Jepara 

      Indrianingrum, Irawati (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Injectable contraceptive methods, including methods of hormonal contraceptives, injectable contraceptive method, there are two kinds of methods injections every 3 months and injection method every 1 month. Both methods ...
    • Tingkat Pengembangan Dan Daya Terima Roti Tawar Dari Tepung Jagung Dengan Konsentrasi Emulsifier Yang Berbeda 

      Rauf, Rusdin; Yulaiha, Siti; Nur Widiyaningsih, Endang (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      The use of corn flour as a substitute for wheat flour has been widely reported, but raw material replacement for wheat flour has a lot do, but the quality needs to be improved. One of the factors that determine the quality ...
    • Efek Lokal Spasial Program Swasembada Padi di Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Local Moran’s 

      Karim, Abdul; Wasono2, Rochdi (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Pangan merupakan kebutuhan mendasar masyarakat di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, hal ini dikarenakan struktur demografinya yang terus meningkat. Jumlah penduduk di Jawa Tengah setiap tahun mengalami peningkatan yang berdampak pada ...

      Kartika Sari, Christina (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Plane figure as a part of geometryneeds more effort in visualization in order to make it to be more comprehensive. Teacher has to organize a proper method and an appropriate medium to give a plane figure lesson. One way ...
    • Dinamika Psikologis Perilaku Curang Dalam Situasi Praktek Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 

      Ardzi Pradana, Ostman; Lestari, Sri (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      This research aim to know the psychological dynamics of students‟ academic fraudon practical assignmentin vocational school and to identify underlying factors and motivations that lead to the academic fraud. The participants ...
    • Investigasi Sifat Kepadatan Dan Daya Dukung Bahan Rap Bergradasi EME (Enrobé à Module Élevé) 

      Setyawan, Andri; Rum Harnaeni, Senja; Sunarjono, Sri (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Road as a transport infrastructure is essential to support human activities every day, the road can improve people's lives by enabling people to access the surrounding environment both for the economic aspects and social ...
    • Kebutuhan Akan Rasa Aman dan Happiness pada Peserta Didik 

      Hidayat, Novi; Na’imah, Tri (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      This research is aimed to find out the relationship between the needs for security with the happiness on students grade VII in Gunungjati Junior Highschool Kembaran, Banyumas Regency. The collection of data is using scale ...
    • Proses Deep Etching Material Kuningan 

      Riyadi, Tri Widodo Besar; Asmoro, Sigit; Nugraha, Nurmuntaha Agung (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Deep etching has been developed as one of the micromachining techniques used to fabricate small appliances such as robotic components for medical applications. An electric energy is sometimes used to accelerate the ...
    • Uji Inhibisi Enzim Xantin Oksidase Ekstrak Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata Linn.) 

      Slamet, Slamet; simanjuntak, Partomuan; setyahadi, Siswa (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pakijangan, 2016-08-27)
      Soursop plants used by the public for traditional medicine for various diseases such as cancer, diabetes and many others. Efficacy of soursop, which has been studied is as an antioxidant, anti-gout, anti-bacterial, ...

      Bagus Saputra, Very; Kumolo, Cahyo; Fahmi Fauziati Wibowo, Nur (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Wireless technology is the development of technology that is needed currently given the technological advances in electronic devices very rapidly. Every electronic devices certainly require electric power and cable as the ...
    • Memahami Praktik Perilaku Pro Lingkungan Berdasar pada Sikap, Norma, dan Perilaku Konsumen 

      Waskito, Jati; Irawati, Zulfa (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      This study aims to investigate the differences in underlying psychological aspects regarding pro environmental behaviors between two distinct consumer groups: green product purchasers and green product non purchasers, it ...
    • Manfaat dan Konsekuensi Hubungan antara Customer Contact Employee dan Pelanggan dalam Membangun Loyalitas Konsumen di Bidang Jasa 

      Kussudyarsana (Anderson, Eugene W.,Claes, Fornell, and Donald, Lehman R.,(1994),”Customer Satisfaction, Market Share and Probability: Finding From Sweden,”Journal of Marketing, 58:5366. Bagozzi, Richard P.(1995),” Reflection on Relationship Marketing in Consumer Market” Academy of Marketing Science,23:272-277. Beatty, Sharon E., Morris, Mayer L., James, Coleman E., Kristy, Reynold E., & Jungki lee,(1996),” Customer-Sales Associate Relationship,” Journal of Retailing, 72:223-247. Bendapundy, Nelli&Leonard, Berry L.,(1997), “Customer Motivation for Maintaining Relationship with Service Provider,” Journal of Retailing, 73:1537. Berry, Leonard L.,(1995),” Relationship Marketing of Services: Growing Interest, Emerging Perspectives ,” Journal of Academy Marketing Science, 23: 236-245. Bitner, Mary Jo.,(1990),” Evaluating Service Encounters:The Effect of Physical Surrounding and Employee Responses,” Journal of Marketing,54:69-82. --------,(1995),” Building Relationship: It’s All About Promises,” Journal of marketing Science, 23: 246-251. Bitner, Mary jo, Meuter Matthew L.,&Brown Stephen W.,(2000),” Tehcnology Infusion in Service Encounters,”Journal of Academy Marketing Science,28:138-149. Crosby, Lawrence A.,Kenneth, Evans R.,&Deborah, Cowles,(1990),” Relationship Quality in Service Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective,” Journal of Marketing,54:68-81. Czeipel, John A.,(1990),” Services Encounters and Service Relationships: Implication for Research,” Journal of Business Research,20:13-21. Cooper, Donald R., & Emory, William C.,(1995),Business Research Method, 5 th Edition, Richard D. Irwin, Chichago,USA. Cooper, Donal.R & Schindler,P.S.,(1995), Business Research Method,7 Ed, Irwin-Mcgraw Hill,New York,USA. Dharmesta, Basu S.,(1999), “ Loyalitas Pelanggan:Sebuah Kaijan Konseptual th Sebagai Panduan Bagi Peneliti,”JurnalEkonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, 14:7388. Dick, Alan S.&Kunal, Basu,(1994),” Customer Loyalty:Toward anIntegrated Conceptual Framework,”Journal of the Academy of MarketingScience,22:99-113. Ferdinand,A(2002),Structural EquationModelling Dalam Penelitian Manajemen:Aplikasi Model-ModelRumit Dalam Penelitian Untuk Tesis Magister dan Doktor, Semarang, BP Undip. Gronhold, Martensen L.&Kristensen,K.(2000),”The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction dan Loyalty:cross Industry differences”Total Quality Management, 11:509-514. Grove, Stephen J. & Fisk, Raymond P.(1983),” The Dramaturgi od Service Exchange:An Analytical Framework for Service Marketing,” Gronross,C.(1995),”relationship Marketing:The Strategy Continuum,” Journal of the Academy Marketing Science,23:78-92. Gwinner, Kevin P., Gremler, Dwayne D., & Bitner, Mary Jo,(1998),”Relational Benefit in Services Industries: The Customer’s Perspective,” Journal of marketing Science, 26:101-114. Hair,J.F.Jr,Anderson,R.E.,Tatham,R.L.,&Blac k,W.C(1998),Multivariate Data Analysis, 5 th edition, Upper Sadle River, New Jersey,Prentice-Hall,Inc. Hallowel, Roger (1995), “The Relationship of Customer Satisfaction,Customer Loyalty and Profitability:an Empirical Study,”International Journal of Service Industry of Management,7:27-42. Hartline,Michael D& Ferrel,O.C.(1996),”The Management of Customer Contact Service Employess:An Empirical Investigation,”Journal of Marketing, 60:52-70. Hartline, Michael D, Maxham, James G.&Mckee, Daryl O.(2000),” Corridor of Influence in the Dissemination of Customer-Oriented Strategy to Customer Contact Service Employees,”Journal of Marketing, 64:35-50. Hurley, Robert F.,(1998),” Customer Service Behavior in Retail Setting: A Study of the Effect of Service Provider Personality,”Journal of Marketing Science, 26: 115-127. Kahn, E.B.(1998),”Dynamic Relationship With Customer:High-Variety Strategies,” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science,60:45-53. Lovelock,Christoper H.,(1983),” Classifying Service to Gain Strategic Marketing Insight”, Journal of Marketing, 47:920. Lovelock,Christopher H,(1996),Service Marketing,3 rd Ed. London, Prenctice Hall. Lovelock Chreistoper H.(2002), Wright L.,Principles of Service Marketing and Management, 2 nd Ed, Pearson Education, Inc.,Upper Sadle,New Jersey. Morgan, Robert.M.&Hunt S.D.(1994),”Commitmen-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 58:150-169. Olsen, Svein O.,(2002),” Comparative Evaluation and the Relationship Between Quality, Satisfaction, and Repurchase Loyalty,” Journal of Marketing Science,30:240-249. 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Sheth, Jadgish N., & Parvatiyar, Atul,(1995),” Relationship Marketing Consumer Market: Antesedent and Consequences,”, Journal of Marketing Science,23:255-271. Swan, John E & Oliver. Richard P.,(1989) ,”Postpurchase Communication by Consumer,” Journal of Retailing,65:516-533. Zeithaml, V.A,Berry, l.L & Parasuraman, A.(1996),” The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality,” Journal of Marketing, 60:31-46., 2016-08-27)
      Building relationship with customer is increasingly viewed as a strategic necessity in recent service business. In this study the author’s attempt to determine if relational benefit delivered by customer contact employee ...

      Anif, Sofyan (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      The biological teachers at Surakarta who have passed from the 2014 certification amount to 332 people. Based on the 2014 competent test by the central development of Human Resources and Educational Quality Assurance Unit, ...
    • Kesesuaian Alat Ukur Triase Metodelabeling dan Australian Triage Scalemodifikasi di IGD RSI Pekajangan 

      Wirotomo, Tri Sakti; Emaliyawati, Etika (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pakijangan, 2016-08-27)
      Triage is a system which function to select the patient based on the level of the emergency of medical service thus all the patients are attended according to the priority. Triage system available in the PKU Islamic ...
    • Relaksasi Otot Progresifsebagai Upaya Menurunkan Tingkat Depresi Lansia Di Posyandu Anggrek Desa Gandekan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Purwodiningratan Jebres Surakarta 

      Wahyuni, Wahyuni; Ambarwati, Lucia (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      Background: Aging is process of decreasing the immune system at stimulation from inside and outside of body, elderly people often have decreasing of physic, psychological and social. Psichologic problem that often happen ...
    • Keterlibatan Pengadilan dalam Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa Perdata Melalui Arbitrase 

      Luhur Prakoso, Andria (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      In this era, business disputes resolution need to be done in informal procedure and be put in motion quckly. Arbitration as one of dispute resolution institution has some excellencess, for instance secrecy dispute , a ...
    • Risk Assessment Pekerjaan Bongkar Muatdi Pelabuhan Nusantara Tanjung Emas Semarang 

      Prasetio, Diki Bima; Aryani, Inang; Meikawati, Wulandari (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pakijangan, 2016-08-27)
      Background:Risk assessment is the basis for successful safety and health management,and the key to reducing work-related accidents and occupational diseases. Ifit is implemented well, it can improve workplace safety and ...