Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (Journal): Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 2536
Audit Energi dan Analisis Peluang Penghematan Konsumsi Energi Listrik pada Rumah Tangga
(lppm ums, 2014-01)Population growth fastly causes the amount of energy consumption is increasing. Accretion of energy consumption without the addition of the source will cause the disruption of existing energy distribution system. Meanwhile, ... -
Simulasi Proses Deep Drawing Stainless Steel dengan Software Abaqus
(lppm ums, 2014-01)Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil simulasi proses deep drawing terhadap bahan stainless steel pada proses pembentukan komponen end cup hub body. Penelitian dilakukan dengan paket software Abaqus 6.5-1 ... -
Pengembangan Ketahanan Keausan pada Bahan Kampas Rem Sepeda Motor dari Komposit Bonggol Jagung
(lppm ums, 2014-01)Penelitian ini memanfaatkan bonggol jagung sebagai serat pengisi. Bonggol jagung dalam hal ini sebagai serat penguat karena termasuk serat alam yang limbahnya banyak tidak dipergunakan. Matriks yang digunakan adalah ... -
Model Pembelajaran Sintaksis di Perguruan Tinggi di Jateng DIY
(lppm ums, 2012-02)Model pembelajaran Sintaksis di perguruan tinggi perlu diteliti karena selama ini belum penulis temukan penelitian mengenai pembelajaran sintaksis di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian mengenai model pembelajaran yang ada ... -
Konsep Mawas Diri Suryomentaram dengan Regulasi Emosi
(lppm ums, 2012-02)Studi multidisiplin sudah dilakukan untuk membahas tentang emosi. Penelitian tentang emosi difokuskan pada situasi, perilaku serta keyakinan yang mendasari timbulnya emosi, dan bukan pada emosi itu sendiri (Briggs dalam ... -
Pemerolehan Sintaksis Anak Usia Lima Tahun melalui Penceritaan Kembali Dongeng Nusantara
(lppm ums, 2012-02)Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan: (1) pemerolehan sintaksis anak usia lima tahun saat menceritakan kembali dongeng nusantara yang didengar, (2) jenis kalimat yang kompleks yang diperoleh anak saat bercerita, (3) ... -
Ajaran Berumah Tangga dalam Serat Candrarini Karya Ranggawarsita (Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra)
(lppm ums, 2013-02)Rumusan permasalahan penelitian ini meliputi struktur Serat Candrarini karya Ranggawarsita, ajaran Serat Candrarini tentang kehidupan wanita Jawa, dan relevansi ajaran-ajaran Serat Candrarini tentang berumah tangga bagi ... -
Pengembangan Perangkat dan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Konstruktivis Mata Kuliah Statistika melalui Pendekatan Lesson Study
(lppm ums, 2013-02)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat dan model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivis untuk mata kuliah statistika matematika melalui pendekatan lesson study sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas ... -
Model Penyelesaian secara Alternatif dalam Peradilan Pidana (Studi Khusus terhadap Model Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana oleh Lembaga Kepolisian)
(lppm ums, 2013-02)Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk-bentuk perkara pidana yang ditangani oleh Kepolisian; bagaimana Kepolisian menyelesaikan perkara pidana yang ada; dan bagaimana pandangan Kepolisian terhadap penyelesaian ... -
Flexural Capacities and Stress Block Parameters for High-Strength Concrete Column
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Flexural behaviour of reinforced high-strength concrete columns is studied in this paper. Tests of 12 high-strength reinforced concrete columns under eccentric loading were conducted, with test parameters included the ... -
A Method For Improving The Capacity Of Bridge Girder At Intersection By Maintaining The Height Clearance
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)RAPid development of transportation must be in line with the enhancement of infrastructures capacity including the bridge capacity and serviceability. The capacity and serviceability of the bridge can be done by enhancing ... -
EffectoOf Bed Shear Stress on Armour Layer Characteristics
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)The study presents the analysis of bedload transport, changes in the structure armour layer and topogRAPhy of the sediments during the degradation process. In the analysis of variations in channel slope and bedload ... -
Construction Of A Simple Model With An Optimal Sound Transmission Loss (Stl) In A Noise Prone Area
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Airport located in the city centre district is one of the areas prone to urban noise. The houses built without a silencer element to get the sound emission is quite large. AHMAd Yani Airport in Semarang city changed its ... -
Study Of Chlor Ion Diffusion From Seawater Into Concrete
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Reinforced concrete as the foundation of harbor and bridge is often damaged by the carbonation and corrosion. The presence of Cl‾ in seawater may diffuse into the reinforced concrete and can cause corrosion in concrete. ... -
Micro Hydro Water Pump, an Alternative to Overcome the Energy Crisis
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)The world population growth has reached 7 billion needs the natural resources to support its activities. This increase causes the vulnerability of natural resources, thus encouraging using the renewable resources. Water ... -
The Validity Of Clauser’s Method For Determining Shear Velocity, U*, In A Curved Channel
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)In a straight open channel flow, the Clauser‘s method, which is based on the measured velocity profile and the logarithmic velocity law, can be used to determine the wall shear velocity, u*, accurately. For a curved ... -
Length of Drive Pipe To Hid Ram Pump Characteristic
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Hid ram pumps is a very specific device to lift water. The uniquess of this device is indicated by the hid ram energy‘s used to lift is energy of water that will pumped. Therefore, hid ram pumps is very environmentally ... -
Length of Drive Pipe To Hid Ram Pump Characteristic
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Hid ram pumps is a very specific device to lift water. The uniquess of this device is indicated by the hid ram energy‘s used to lift is energy of water that will pumped. Therefore, hid ram pumps is very environmentally ... -
Value Engineering On Executing Of Jetty Construction (Case Study On Jetty Construction At Phase III in Tarjun South Kalimantan)
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)This paper analyzes the application of Value Engineering in the process of Phase III Jetty construction in Tarjun, South Kalimantan. By the limited resources of local materials and labor, as well as the difficulty of the ... -
Effectiveness to Additional Cost on The Implementation of Seismic Resistance Features For Residential Houses
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Many residential houses in Indonesia have been collapsed during earthquake because they do not implement seismic features correctly. Although the implementation of seismic features will add construction cost, people need ...