Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (Journal): Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 2536
Pengembangan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Matematika: Model di Prodi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UMS
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)This research aimed to design a strategy to develop character learning mathematics students that were based on the values of Islam. This study were in the frame of research and development method using qualitative ... -
Manajemen Unit Produksi Berbasis Inovasi Produk (Studi pada SMK Negeri 7 Purworejo)
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of: planning, implementation and supervision of the production unit based product innovations developed in SMK Negeri 7 Purworedjo.This research was qualitat ... -
Analisis Faktor Kinerja Guru dalam Aspek Kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi Kepala Sekolah serta Keterkaitannya dengan Motivasi Kerja Guru
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)This research aims to examine (1) the contribution level of leadership and communication of school principal on the teachers’ performance through their motivation, (2) the contribution level of principal’s leadership ... -
Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa pada 20 Paket Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia SMP 2012/2013
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)This study aimed to analyze the language error on the Bahasa Indonesia National Examination instrument test of the Junior High School in 2012/2013 academic year. The research were qualitative descriptive research. The ... -
Optimalisasi Motivasi Berprestasi dan Pendidikan Karakter dampaknya terhadap Prestasi Belajar Materi Himpunan melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivisme pada Siswa Kelas VII D SMP Negeri 3 Teras Kabupaten Boyolali Semester Gasal Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)The purpose of the study is describing the achievement motivation, character education, and learning achievement. The research subject are 30 students of VII D grade, SMP Negeri Teras Boyolali. Data collection ... -
Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sebagai Media Interaksi Guru-Siswa
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)The purpose of this study is to describe the application of information and communication technology as an interactive media for teacher and student in SMPN 1 Arjosari Pacitan. This is a qualitative research. This study ... -
Peningkatan dalam Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan melalui Supervisi Klinis pada Kepala SD Daerah Binaan II UPTD Pendidikan Kecamatan Kalikotes Kabupaten Klaten Semester Gasal Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)The aim of this study was to describe the increase in the principal’s efforts in preparing the implementation plan through clinical supervision at State Primary School Patronage II Regional District of Klaten ... -
Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Prediksi Soal–soal Ujian Nasional Mata Pelajaran Matematika melalui Pendekatan Jigsaw pada Peserta Didik Kelas IX A SMP Negeri 4 Boyolali Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)The purpose of this study was to describe the optimization problem solving skills predictions about national exam mathematics courses through Jigsaw approach at a ninth grade students of State Junior High School 4 ... -
Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Klarifikasi Nilai dan Locus of Control Terhadap Kemampuan Berpendapat Mahasiswa
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)This study aimed to examine the effect of VCT instructional strategies (pair group and small groups of 4-7 students) and students locus of control on learning outcomes in civics courses. The aim of this study was to ... -
Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Materi Diterminan dan Invers melalui Pendekatan Inquiry dalam Pembelajaran Matematika pada Siswa Kelas X TKR1 SMK Negeri 1 Sawit Boyolali Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)The objective of the research is to describe the increasing mastery of the material and Inverse Diterminant semester through the implementation of a contextual approach in teaching mathematics to students of Class X TKR1 ... -
Aplikasi Model Active Learning Knowledge Sharing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PPKN Kelas IV SD N Gemolong Sragen Tahun Akademik 2012/2013
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)A primary issue in this class action research is: “Whether through the application of active learning model of knowledge sharing can improve students’ learning achievement in Civics Class IV SDN Gemolong 3, Gemolong ... -
Pengaruh Penilaian dan Evaluasi Kinerja Terhadap Penentuan Grade Remunerasi Pegawai
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2013-12)Grade remuneration is received by an employee benefit levels based on the achieved performance of each employee. Thus, in determining the remuneration required grade performance assessment and evaluation work. The purpose ... -
Persepsi Tentang Profesionalisme, Komunikasi, Motivasi Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja dan Kinerja Perawat
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2013-12)The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the perception of professionalism, communication and motivation on the performance of nurses at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Surakarta either partially or simultaneously. ... -
Analisis Kinerja dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard pada Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2013-12)The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the performance of the Center for Lung Health Society (BBKPM). for three years are 2010, 2011, and 2012 Implementation of the analysis is based on four perspectives, ... -
Pengaruh Fasilitas, Biaya dan Promosi terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2013-12)Health is a very important requirement for humans, and is the main capital in performing daily activities. Health institutions, such as hospitals, for example, are expected to be able to provide health services ranging ... -
Analisis Program PNPM Mandiri Pedesaan terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2013-12)Poverty is a classic problem that has been happening in Indonesia. National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) is one of the government programs undertaken in response tersebut.Tujuan this study was to determine ... -
Penerapan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) dan Analisis Gap pada Kualitas Pelayanan Trans Jogja
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)An increasingly rapid development of the transportation in Yogyakarta led to the increased of congestion in the city. It encourages the Government to provide adequate, safe and convenient public transport for people. One ... -
Pengaruh Keselamatan Kerja dan Kesehatan Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)Human Resources (HR) is the most important asset in a company. Employees can be a good potential if managed properly and correctly, but employees can also be a burden if the company can not manage it properly. As the ... -
Optimasi Lini Produksi dengan Value Stream Mapping dan Value Stream Analysis Tools
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)Meminimalkan pemborosan dalam proses produksi adalah salah satu tujuan dari suatu perusahaan. Lean adalah metode yang dapat meminimalkan pemborosan dalam proses produksi. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan untuk ... -
Penentuan Jenis Investasi dengan Analisa Ekonomi Teknik dan Forecasting
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)Banyak orang yang salah mengambil langkah dalam melakukan suatu investasi, mereka akan segera tergiur dengan suatu hal baru yang menurutnya menguntungkan. Padahal masih ada hal lain yang jauh lebih menguntungkan namun ...