Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (Journal): Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 2536
Kualitas Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik dan Resistensi Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Komputer Kontrol Politeknik Madiun
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)The purposes of this study are: (1) to determine the characteristics of academic administrative (2) to know the description of academic and administrative services and the student resistances. The study is a descriptive ... -
Implementasi Program-Program Pembelajaran TK Unggulan di Surakarta
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)The aim of this research is to assess the learning program on TKIU Al Khoir Surakarta for academic year 2010-2011. The problem is how the Montessory learning method implemented at TKIU Al Khoir. The ... -
Validitas Soal-Soal Ujian Nasional Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia untuk SMP/ MTs
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)The purpose of this research is to find out the level of the content validity and construct validity of the questions of the national assessment of Indonesian language subject for junior high school / MTs. The Research ... -
Dampak Komunikasi Siswa terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Sekolah Dasar
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)This study aims at knowing 1) in the contribution learning strategy for achievement; 2) contribution communication math for achievement; 4) the interaction learning strategy shown from the communication math for ... -
Pengelolaan Supervisi Akademik Pengawas Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the implementation of the regulatory supervision of the elementary school learning activities, and (2) to describe the implications of the ... -
Teaching Skill dan Responsibility Problem(Studi Situs di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Perguruan Islam Al-Huda PIA Tayu Pati)
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)This study aims to describe the characteristic of teachers’ teaching skill and responsibility problem of Islamic Junior High School Al-Huda Tayu. The focuses in these researches are: 1) how is the characteristic of ... -
Analisis Isi “Background of The Study” Proposal Penelitian Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris FKIP-UMS Tahun 2014
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)This study is aimed at understanding the approprietness of writing background of the study at proposal of reserach paper that covers (1) flow of writing, (2) problem presented in the background, (3) the purpose ... -
Guide For Author
(LPPM UMS, 2014-08-24) -
Street Performance Analysis and Air Pollution Due to Traffic Flow in Front of Muwardi Hospital and PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital
(2014-08-16)Dr. Muwardi Hospital and PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital that included Solo is able to handle more than 4 of the diseases and the location of both the hospital located on the edge of the highway, so it will be affected by the ... -
Behavior of Stabilized Peat Soil Mixing With Lime and Fly Ash
(2014-08-16)Peat is an organic soil (> 75%) with a low bearing capacity and high compression. Soil Improvement me-thods adopted for peat soil such as preloading, sand column, wood matting has been applied to improve the physical and ... -
Criterias Develoment of Relocation of Office Building in Pekanbaru City Based on AHP (Analitycal Hieararchy Process)
(2014-08-16)The Government of Pekanbaru City has planned to relocate the office centre to the sub-urban area in order to reduce the existing traffic congestion within the city centre zone and to make balance develop-ment between the ... -
A Predictive Model of Project Success Measurement for Government Building Construction Projects (Case Study in Cirebon)
(2014-08-16)Project success is the end of the main objectives of each project, including the government building construction projects. How well the success achievement of a government building construction project needs to be known ... -
A Study of Shear Strength Parameter’s Clay Stabilized With Lime on Wet Side Compaction
(2014-08-16)A structure built on expansive clay often are damage before reaching age plan. This is connected with soil shear strength paramater values, namely cohesion (c) and internal shear (φ). One of any methods to improve expansive ... -
Bearing Capacity Analysis of Raft Foundation Based on Probability Method
(2014-08-16)Variability on CPT test on Anugerah Palace Hotel site has been evaluated in this paper. As CPT data tends to be varied, the deterministic method is not longer appropriate anymore. The probability ana-lysis is conducted to ... -
Service Improvement Target of Purwoasri Terminal Kediri Using IPA Method and QFD
(2014-08-16)Passenger Terminal of road transport is one of transportation infrastructures that serve as a mode change node of public transport for passengers and goods by road. In this present, terminal condition in Indonesia decline ... -
Efficiency and Effectivness of The Non-Toll National Roads Management Based on The Performance Jump of Pavement Condition
(2014-08-16)To maintain road’s service during its service life as well as intended is needed a series of treatments such as maintenance and rehabilitation. Efficiency and effectiveness of road treatment is important to evaluate as one ... -
The Ratio of Using Merapi Sand and Klawing Sand Towards Concrete’s Compressive Strength
(2014-08-16)Concrete is often used in civic engineering projects. Conrete that has the ability to restrain weight become the choice in determining the construction structure that will be used. The composition of concrete that consist ... -
Analysis of Cost Control Project Construction in Employers Construction
(2014-08-15)Along with the rapid advancement of technology and the rapid development of construction entre-preneurs in Indonesia will affect the sharpness of the competitive world of construction, so that the construction of the service ... -
Pakom Bagi Guru Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Sekolah Menengah Muhammadiyah Se-Kabupaten Karanganyar Dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Sastra yang Mencerahkan Siswa
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)Problems faced by the teacher-partners Indonesian language and literature at the high school Muhammadiyah Karanganyar-are: (1) lack of pedagogic competence in applying their learning strategies of Indonesian literature ... -
Pakom Bagi Guru-Guru Mim Majlis Dikdasmen Cabang Ngawen Klaten Dalam Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) Berbasis Publikasi Ilmiah
(LPPM UMS, 2012-09)The Community Service has aims to (1) give the information to the teachers of MIM Majlis Dikdasmen of Ngawen Klaten about the Sustainable Profession Development (SPD); (2) improve the teachers’ motivation and interest ...