Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (Journal): Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 2536
Relevansi Pengajaran Membaca dengan Kurikulum TK
(lppmums, 2013-12)This study has four goals, they are: (1) identifying the accordance between read- ing learning and the kindergarten curriculum; (2) describing the methods applied by the teachers in teaching reading; (3) acquiring the ... -
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Melalui Pembelajaran Menggunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa Pada Siswa Kelas VII : (Studi Situs di SMP Terbuka Wonosegoro Kabupaten Boyolali Semester Gasal dengan Rancangan Etnografi Pendidikan)
(lppmums, 2013-12)This research purposes description increasing mathematic achievement uses student’s worksheet of the student class VII SMP Terbuka Wonosegoro Boyolali Regency semester gasal year lesson 2007/2008 with education ethnography ... -
Fatwa Tarjih sebagai Hasil Ijtihad Jama’i Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah
(lppmums, 2012-06)Muhammadiyah, the largest Islamic movement in this country, which is engaged in various fields of the human issues, including the emergence of the Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board, as an umbrella of religious issues ... -
Menghidupkan Kembali Etos Ekonomi Muhammadiyah
(lppmums, 2012-06)Muhammadiyah, whose age is not young, has made various efforts to move the economy. 13 Islamic ways of life for the citizens of Muhammadiyah to manage charitable business and to run the business and have been ... -
Cahaya Humanis Religius Dibalik Praksis Pendidikan Kyai Ahmad Dahlan
(lppmums, 2012-06)Educational practice by Kyai Ahmad Dahlan has been pheno- menal. However, unfortunately, the review of his work is so far limited as an innovator of new institutions, the pioneer of modernization of schools and ... -
Materi dan Strategi Pengembangan Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan Bagi Anak Usia Dini di Tk ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Se-Kartasura Sukoharjo
(lppmums, 2012-06)The purpose of this study is to describe the ongoing developing of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan in Kindergarten School ‘Aisyiyah all Kartasura schools, Sukoharjo. Data collection methods used in the study are ... -
Metode Tarjih Muhammadiyah dalam Menyeleksi Hadist-Hadist Nabi sebagai Sumber Hukum Syara’
(lppmums, 2012-06)Al-Quran and al-Hadith are the sources of Islamic law. However, the Hadith that form of words (qauliyah), action (fi’liyah) and provisions (taqririyah) of the Holy Prophet, is still requires a more in-depth search remembering ... -
Peran Muhammadiyah dalam Membendung Arus Pemikiran Sekulerisme, Pluralisme, dan Liberalisme (Periode Kepemimpinan 2000-2010)
(lppmums, 2012-06)This thesis reveals Muhammadiyah role in stemming the flow ideas of secularism, pluralism and liberalism (SEPILIS) leadership period 2000-2010. Thought of secularism, pluralism and liberalism clearly contradicts ... -
Pemikiran Muhammadiyah tentang Pluralitas Budaya
(lppmums, 2012-06) -
Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa melalui Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Index Card Match dalam Pembelajaran Ips Kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 2 Sawit Boyolali
(lppmums, 2013-06)Learning is very important for the students, the colourful of learning is absolutely depends on teachers. Whether the students will be motivated for learning actively or not, depends on how much teachers used actively ... -
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Pengawasan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)di Kantor DAOP IV Semarang
(lppmums, 2013-06)The aims of the research are to know: 1) The significant influence between leadership and workers’ job of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) at office DAOP IV Semarang. 2) The significant influence between leadership and ... -
Model Interaksi Struktur Kepemilikan terhadap Kebijakan Hutang dan Dividen dalam Perspektif Teori Keagenan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Go Publik di Indonesia
(lppmums, 2013-06)The aims of the research are: (1) to find out the structure of stock ownership at the public companies in Indonesia, (2) to analyze effects of stock ownership structure by insider ownership and institutional investor on ... -
Penggunaan Metode Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Belajar Mandiri Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Akuntansi pada Mata Kuliah Akuntansi Perpajakan
(lppmums, 2013-06)The aim of the research is to improve Accounting Education Department’s student self learning for Tax Accounting lesson by using problem based learning method. The subject of this classroom action research involved ... -
Proses Perbaikan Berkelanjutan dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah Unggul di SMK Negeri 3 Pati (Suatu kajian teoritis)
(lppmums, 2013-06)The aim of this study s to create outstanding school through the implementation of improving continously at SMK Negeri 3 Pati. Arcaro concept about improving continously Quality In Education: An Implementation, to be ... -
Pengelolaan Konflik Kinerja Guru (Studi Situs SMP Negeri 7 Klaten)
(lppmums, 2013-06)The aims of the research are to describe about: 1) Source and conflict types; 2) Conflict handling; and 3) Control conflict. Research type is qualitative. Research approach used is phenomenology. Research subject are ... -
Literacy and Language Teaching
(lppmums, 2013-06)The main target and goal of this writing is to show the information of global demographic and technological changes that has happened so rapidly in both domestic and international arenas, therefore, the society should ... -
Koreksi Anggapan Bazaar Economy, Order dan Regulation Theory pada Orientasi Usaha Pkl Kota Surakarta Pasca Krisis Moneter
(lppmums, 2013-06)The particular objective of this research is to describe the orientation shift trend of vendor sellers business in Surakarta city prior, during and post the monetary crisis in order to obtain rectification of Bazaar Economy ... -
Pemilihan Kepala Daerah: Studi tentang Profil Pengaturan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Gabungan di Kalimantan Selatan
(lppmums, 2011-03)The holding of combined public election for local government mayor empirically adopted various norms that used as normative base for regulating the combined public election. The subject of the regulation in rule making ... -
Pembentukan Hukum yang Antisipatif terhadap Perkembangan Zaman dalam Dimensi Konvergensi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
(lppmums, 2011-09)This research is intended to investigate and analysis the appropriate principles that can be applied on the convergence of information tech- nology and communication that are influenced by international law principles and ... -
Dilema Pluralitas: Hambatan atau Penguatan Demokrasi Bangsa Indonesia?
(lppmums, 2011-09)Indonesia is one among nations that most plural and various in the world. At the same time, Indonesia is the greatest archipelago state and a state with most various background. Indonesia is not only plural in etnics, ...